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Code of Conduct


Welcome to Wilson School District #7

There is no goal more important than creating and maintaining safe, supportive, and nurturing learning environments for every kid in every school.

The most important factor that determines whether we achieve this goal, is you, the student.  When you make a commitment to safety, personal responsibility, and kindness, you are also making a commitment to personal excellence. 

Please read this document with your parents or guardians. It is important for you to understand our standards and expectations for behavior at school. By following the Code of Conduct, you can help our school district become a safer and more supportive environment for all students and staff.

Amazing schools are places where learning happens, where kids succeed academically and emotionally, and where learning environments are safe, supportive, and inclusive of all students. Please do your part to make sure that every school in our district is an amazing one!

Ernest Rose


Wilson Elementary School District #7 (WSD) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion/religious beliefs, sex, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, sexual orientation, creed, citizenship status, marital status, political beliefs/affiliation, disability, home language, or family, social or cultural background in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs or activities.

Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504, and Americans with Disabilities Act may be referred to WSD’s Human Resource Director, 3025 E. Fillmore Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85008, (602) 881-2204, or to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Denver, Colorado 80204. See Board Policies AC “Non-Discrimination,” and ACA “Sexual Harassment” for more information.

Code of Conduct Overview

What is the Code?

A guide that outlines the behavior expectations, rights, and responsibilities of students and staff.

What Principles Guide the Administration of Discipline at WSD?

•    Partnering with students/parents/guardians to create safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.
•    Striving to keep students in learning environments. 
•    Ensuring that consequences are non-discriminatory, fair, and age-appropriate.
•    Applying the rules consistently so students receive similar consequences for similar violations.
•    None of these principles prevent school personnel from protecting campus safety as appropriate.

How is Discipline Administered for Students with Disabilities?

All district personnel administering discipline must take into account a student’s disability under either Section 504 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or if the student is suspected of having – or is being considered for an evaluation for a disability. WESD must follow specific procedures for students considered disabled under federal law, including determining whether misbehavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability.

When and Where Does the Code Apply?

•    Regular school hours (including when students are going to and from school, “portal to portal”) 
•    While students are being transported on a school bus or vehicle used for school purposes 
•    At all times and places where a school official or employee has authority over students
•    School-sponsored / school-related events and activities (including field trips, athletic events) 
•    On- or off-campus actions resulting in a harmful effect on students or the educational process
•    On WSD property, at any time

Who Monitors Discipline in WSD?

The WSD Superintendent and Cabinet members monitors discipline on a quarterly basis. The Superintendent reviews and approves requests for elevated consequences, reviews suspensions with principals/assistant principals, ensures compliance with the Code and other policy, and monitors for disproportionate discipline by race or ethnicity. 

How Can I Get More Information or Make An Oral or Written Complaint?

Governing Board Policies and Regulations related to discipline are available for review in the principal’s office at every school and online at (follow the link to “Student Rights”). Students or parents/guardians may make a complaint related to discrimination, harassment, hazing, dating abuse, bullying, or unfair disciplinary actions with the site principal, assistant principal, and Superintendent at (602)681-2224, or online at