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Action Levels


When considering actions, sites strive to implement Restorative Practices and to keep students in their classroom whenever possible. Disciplinary actions must be non-discriminatory, fair, age-appropriate, and correspond to the severity of the student’s misbehavior. Principals may exercise reasonable discretion in deciding which violation occurred and may request an elevated consequence based on campus safety concerns. 

The chart below lists actions that may be taken by school administration as the result of a violation. The Action Level identifies a range of actions for violations assigned to that level. Multiple actions may be applied to a single violation. 

Actions listed in bold are the minimum and mandatory action for that level of violation. For all violations, parent/guardian notification and student conference are mandatory. Some actions may not be available at all sites.

Level 1

Before referring a matter to site administration, classroom teachers are expected to employ at least three
classroom-level interventions every semester – with proper documentation – for a Level 1 offense.
Parent/Guardian Notification and Conference Request
Student Conference
Restorative Circle or Conference (see page 9)
Verbal/Written Apology
Reflective Essay
Targeted Skill Development
Detention (before/after school; lunch)
Delayed Departure from School
Saturday School
Time Out (not to exceed 30 minutes)
Reassignment To Different Class
Suspended Privileges
Community Service (not work detail)
Teen Court
Referred to Outside Agency
Meeting With Counselor
Peer Mediation
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Behavior Contract
Behavior Intervention Group
Behavior Learning Packets
Behavior Intervention Plan
Assign an adult mentor
Other Action (consistent w/other Level 1 interventions).


Level 2

Any Action from the prior level(s) may also be imposed. 
Restorative Conference and/or Restorative Circle (see page 9)
Social Skills Groups and/or Mentoring may be facilitated by a counselor, social worker, or other qualified staff.
Parents attend school.

Level 3

Any Action from the prior level(s) may also be imposed.
Restorative Conference and/or Restorative Circle (see page 9)
In School Suspension/Intervention or Out of School Suspension and/or Abeyance (Short Term 1-10 Days) but only where student misbehavior is ongoing and escalating, and only after the site has first attempted and documented the types of intervention(s) used in PBIS or Restorative Practices).

*Vandalism. First offense: three-day suspension with two days waived if student participates in mediation. Second offense: eleven-day suspension with eight days held in abeyance if student participates in mediation. 

Level 4

Any Action from the prior level(s) may also be imposed. 
Restorative Conference and/or Restorative Circle (upon re-entry to school) (see page 9)
Out of School Suspension and/or Abeyance – Long-Term (11-30 Days) (except for violations listed below)

*Fighting. First offense: three-day suspension with one day waived if student participates in mediation. Second offense: ten-day suspension with eight days held in abeyance if student participates in mediation. 

*Possession or Use of Drugs or Alcohol. First offense: three-day suspension with one day waived if student agrees to attend a substance abuse workshop.  Second offense: ten-day suspension with eight days held in abeyance if student agrees to attend a substance abuse workshop. In both cases student must agree, upon return to school, an intake interview and to be searched for drugs or alcohol.

Level 5

Any Action from the prior level(s) may also be imposed. 
Out of School Suspension and/or Abeyance – Long-Term (11-180 Days)
Restorative Conference and/or Restorative Circle (upon re-entry to school) (see page 9)

Guidelines for Applying Actions


  1. Nothing in the Code shall prevent school personnel from protecting campus safety as appropriate.   
  2. Principals and assistant principals (APs) must communicate with the Superintendent immediately to jointly review out of school suspensions.
  3. Principals and APs at the elementary level (Pre-K-5th Grade) may start all violations, with the exception of possession of firearms or any incidence of threat to an educational institution, at one level lower than that of the actual violation but may request an elevated consequence for safety concerns.
  4. Principals and APs may apply an action that is one level higher than that listed, but only upon a showing of supporting documentation (e.g., prior interventions, attendance, etc.).  Requests must be submitted to the Superintendent for final approval and for to determine if teachers and/or principals/assistant principals attempted to effectively implement interventions to address any underlying or unresolved issues.  A consequence may be elevated one level after three repeated violations in a semester (with attempted and documented interventions) or to protect campus safety.  A consequence may be elevated another level after three additional repeated violations in a school year (with attempted and documented interventions) or to protect campus safety.   
  5. Principals and APs may request a waiver of mandatory actions for level 4 or 5 consequences through the Superintendent.  Waivers may not be sought when the prescribed disciplinary action involves the possession of a firearm or the threatening of an educational institution. By state law in such a case, only the Governing Board may decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to impose less than the mandatory penalty.
  6. Fighting and Drug/Alcohol Use or Possession are considered level 4 violations but are treated different than other Level 4 violations, including an automatic waiver of long-term consequence for the first offense (a second fight may result in a long-term suspension if approved by Superintendent).  Repeated occurrences of this violation may result in increased lengths of suspension.
  7. A student who willingly assists or forces another student to commit a violation of these guidelines may be held equally accountable for the violation.
  8. All parent/guardian conferences will be made in a timely manner. Parents/guardians may participate in a conference via phone or another accessible mode of communication. Students will not be disciplined further merely because their parent/guardian cannot participate in a conference.
  9. Attempted violations, including physical conflict, may require Actions. Principals or APs will determine the appropriate level of action for attempted violations. Actions will generally be at a lower level than the actual violation.
  10. When determining the appropriate level of action to take, Principals and APs shall consider a student’s claim of self-defense, defense of others or defense of property.
  11. Law Enforcement Officers, School Resource Officers and other security personnel shall not be involved in low-level student discipline (levels 1-3). A principal/assistant principal must immediately notify the Superintendent when law enforcement is contacted.  Law Enforcement may be contacted in cases of vandalism where the District is seeking restitution for damage to school property.