Learn in a safe, clean, orderly and positive climate that is unbiased, nonjudgmental, and free from prejudice, discrimination, verbal or physical threats and abuse.
Receive appropriate accommodations to meet individual needs. (as supported by documentation)
Be treated with respect and in a fair and equitable manner by teachers and administrators.
Due process of law.
Have school rules that are enforced in a consistent, fair and reasonable manner.
Be free from retaliation, from fear of retaliation, and from sex discrimination and sexual harassment at school, including dating abuse.
Have teachers and administrators who will follow all District policies related to known allegations of discrimination, harassment, hazing, bullying, and incidents that require mandatory reporting. Such known allegations/incidents must be reported to site administration immediately.
Receive a copy of this Code.
Have access to school assignments/homework while serving a disciplinary suspension and have options for alternative instructional opportunities for any long term suspension.
Student Responsibilities:
Attend school daily according to school district adopted calendar, arrive on time, bring appropriate materials, and be prepared to participate in class and complete assignments.
Make positive contributions to an environment that allows fellow students to be free from discrimination, harassment, hazing and bullying.
Make up work resulting from an absence.
Respect the rights, feelings, and property of fellow students, parents/guardians, school staff, visitors, guests, and school neighbors.
Conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner while on school grounds, school buses, at bus stops, at any school-related activity, and in the classroom, so as not to interfere with the rights of another student to learn and to contribute to a safe and orderly environment that is conducive to learning.
Display behavior that does not compromise the safety of other students and/or staff.
Follow discipline guidelines adopted by the school and District.
Protect and take care of the school’s property.
Read and ask questions to understand the information in the Code of Conduct.
Request and be granted conferences with teachers, counselors and/or the principal.
Receive explanations from teachers about their student’s grades and disciplinary procedures.
Access and review school records pertaining to their student.
Receive a copy of this Code.
Receive immediately an oral and a written notification anytime a student receives in-school suspension or is sent home for any safety and/or disciplinary reason. (including suspensions)
Request an interpreter or translator at any step of the disciplinary process.
Request a review of all disciplinary actions relating to their student.
Direct their student’s education, upbringing and moral/religious training.
Be treated in a manner that is respectful of and responsive to their cultural traditions.
Attend school daily according to school district adopted Communicate and collaborate with teachers to support student achievement.
Attempt to participate and be active at their student’s school.
Be partners with school staff by sharing appropriate ideas for improving student learning and by helping to prevent and/or resolve student discipline problems.
Provide supervision of the student’s health, physical and emotional well-being, and assume responsibility for the student’s timely regular attendance.
Promptly provide the school with explanations for student absences or tardiness.
Ensure student compliance with school and district policies and regulations.
Read and ask questions to understand the information in this Code.
Reinforce the importance of students’ adherence to values and behaviors described in this Code.