Project 2000 Scholarship
Calling all former Wilson students who are current Seniors!
We are here to help you on your next step towards achieving a higher education. Are you planning on attending Arizona State University (ASU), Northern Arizona University (NAU) or any of our 10 Maricopa Community Colleges? Wilson Project 2000 is the scholarship that can help you achieve your educational goals!
The goal of Project 2000 is to promote greater student success in all curriculum areas by making the school and the parents more productive partners in the education of their children. Project 2000 is a cooperative agreement with Arizona State University (ASU), Northern Arizona University (NAU), and the Maricopa Community Colleges to provide scholarships to those top performing high school students who may not qualify for other college scholarships or financial aid.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Information
Dina Cutler
Director of Community Engagement
(602) 683-2515