Adult Education
A key to student’s academic success is to increase parent involvement. By offering a wide range of programs, especially for parents who are monolingual, we help in this endeavor.
The Wilson community center offers a variety of adult education classes each semester - Call for a current calendar! We often offer:
- GED preparation classes in Spanish through a grant to act as a Plaza Comunitario
- Parenting classes
- Nutritional classes
- Kith & Kin program
- Garden classes
- Ask the Police! and Coffee with a Cop - Presented by the City of Phoenix police department this program covers topics such as burglary safety prevention, substance abuse prevention, identity theft, concealed weapons, trespassing, neighbor disputes, etc.
- Presentations by district personnel, such as understanding the school and district, programs available at school, state standards and testing, and homework assignments.
Wilson GED Classes
Wilson ofrece programa de preparacion para el GED
Creighton ESL Classes
Visit their webpage for more information.
Unlimited Potential ESL Classes
Visit their webpage for more information.
Friendly House ESL Classes
Visit their webpage for more information.
Community Center Contacts
Dina Cutler
Director of Community Engagement
(602) 683-2515 x6003
Josue Parra
Community Center Manager/ McKinney-Vento Liaison
(602) 683-2515 x6008
Phone: (602) 683-2515
Fax: (602) 683-2518