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Gifted Services

What does it mean to be gifted in Arizona?

Arizona’s definition of giftedness is a student who demonstrates superior intellect or advanced learning ability. Students qualify as gifted by scoring in the 97th percentile or higher on a state approved nationally normed abilities test. In Wilson, we use the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). All second graders are automatically tested during the second semester of the school year. Any student referred by a parent or teacher will be tested as well. Both the parent and teacher referral forms can be found on this webpage.  

How does Wilson School District serve identified gifted students?

Students identified as gifted are pulled once a week for a gifted pull-out program taught by the Director of Advanced Learning Experiences. Instruction during this time period includes engaging in problem-based learning tasks, creative thinking activities, passion projects, and more. 




Makiko Wojcicki

Titles: Principal
Locations: Primary School